We bring good and quality content to you via our platform. With us, you can choose from different genres of music.
This platform is known for its different unique content and features. One of its unique features on the platform is the option to share music content and to also connect directly
with artists, as well as have access to evergreen music audios and videos.
This has been made possible by our reliable music platform that directly connects creators and their fans across the world.
• Upload Music: Upload any song from your device and share it online with other users.
• Wave generator: Once the song is uploaded, the system generates real-time waves for each song.
• High Performance & Capability: DeepSound can handle any amount of songs easily, with very high performance and speed.
• With one click, user can login to your site using WoWonder Social Network.
• Sell songs: Users can sell songs to other users.
• User Profile: User can create his own profile and upload unlimited music.
Download music and play offline
• Pro System: User can get top features by subscribing to one of the script pro packages.
• Dashboard: User can view latest songs statics from his own dashboard.